Men's Ministry
We are changing lives in a changing world!
We hope you find this section of the website both helpful and informative, however, if you require further information regarding the men’s ministry, please feel free to contact one of the key officers via our Facebook, Twitter & Email accounts. Remain blessed.

Purpose & Vision
to see the development of men regardless of their race, age or social economic background,
equip men with knowledge, skills and a positive attitude, both spiritually and socially,
create an environment that cultivates and releases the potential that lies within with empowering events and seminars to facilitate both development and growth.
As men, it is important that we always remember and strive to function in the capacity within which Gods expects from us. Fundamentally there are areas God expects men to be involved in and these typically include:
Being responsible to the Lord for the headship and care of their wife and family,
Being an intercessor for their family,
Seeking Gods face concerning the needs of their family,
Praying Gods blessing and protection on their family,
Representing Gods authority to their family,
Representing their family before God,
Providing spiritual direction to their family, and
Making salvation for their family a primary concern.